
 what is honeypot?

in computer terminology , a honeypot is a computer security mechanism set to detect,deflect or in some manner, counteract  attempts at unauthorized use of information system.

honeypot consists of data that appears to be a legitimate part of the site, but is actually isolated and monitored, and that seems to contain information or a resource of to attackers, who are then blocked.

what is goal of create honeypot?

the goal of a honeypot is to create an environment where the tools and behavior of blackhats can be captured and analyzed in the wild. based on this information, we can gain intelligence on threats faced by the internet community. a honeypot works by creating a highly controlled environment that is probed, attacked, and compromised 
by blackhats.

types of honeypot

1)production honeypots
2)research honeypots

production honeypot: this honeypot are easy to use,capture only limited information, and are used primarily by corporations.production honeypots are placed  inside the production network with the other production servers by an organization to improve their overall state of security. they give less information about the attacks to attackers than research honeypot

research honeypot :this honeypots are run to gather information about the motives and tactics of the black hat community targeting different networks these honeypot do not add direct value to specific organization; instead, they are used to research the threats that organizations face and to learn how to better protect against those threats. research honeypot are complex to deploy and maintain capture extensive information.


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