⇒ What is an ip addresss?

An IP address (abbreviation of Internet Protocol address) is an identifier assigned to each computer and other device (e.g., printer, router, mobile device, etc.) connected to a TCP/IP network that is used to locate and identify the node in communications with other nodes on the network. IP addresses are usually written and displayed in human-readable notations.

➦ there are mainly two ip address


⇒ Ipv4 address

An IP address in IPv4 is 32-bits in size, which limits the address space to 4294967296 (232) IP addresses. Of this number, IPv4 reserves some addresses for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million addresses) or multicast addresses (~270 million addresses).
IPv4 addresses are usually represented in dot-decimal notation, consisting of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots, e.g., Each part represents a group of 8 bits (octet) of the address. In some cases of technical writing, IPv4 addresses may be presented in various hexadecimal, octal, or binary representations.

⇒ Ipv6 address
The rapid exhaustion of IPv4 address space prompted the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) to explore new technologies to expand the addressing capability in the Internet. The permanent solution was deemed to be a redesign of the Internet Protocol itself. This new generation of the Internet Protocol was eventually named Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6) in 1995 .[The address size was increased from 32 to 128 bits(16 octets), thus providing up to 2128 (approximately 3.403×1038) addresses. This is deemed sufficient for the foreseeable future.

⇨ what is classfull ip addressing ?
A classful network is a network addressing architecture used in the Internet from 1981 until the introduction of Classless Inter-Domain Routing in 1993. The method divides the address space for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) into five address classes byaddress range.

Types of class
  Range of class
 Subnet mask
Class a
Class b
Class c

Class d
Not defined


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