how you can hack.. ??

           ➤  The five phase of hacking

1) footprinting
2) scanning
3) gaining access
4) maintaining access
5) clearing tracks

Footprinting (also known as reconnaissance) is the technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belong to. To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies. This information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system.

possible about the target machine. The primary purpose of this phase is to gather intelligence so as you can conduct an effective penetration test. At the end of his phase, you are expected to have a list of IP of your target machine that you can scan later on.

➤ footprinting tools(reconnaissance)

1   footprinting can be either active or passive. In active reconnaissance you send traffic to the target machine while a passive reconnaissance use Internet to gather information. When you use active reconnaissance, you need to remember that the target machine may notice that you are planning a penetration test. In the case of passive test, target machine has no clue about who is gather intelligence and planning an attack. The following are the tools you can use:
1.     Google: use advanced Google search to gather information about the target’s website, webservers and vulnerable information. Sometimes, jobs posted in the companies’ websites reveal valuable information about the type of information technologies used in the target company.

2.     Netcraft: they have a free online tool to gather information about webservers including both the client and server side technologies. Visit and type the domain name.

3.     Nslookup: you can use it to query DNS server in order to extract valuable information about the host machine. You can use this tool both in Linux and Windows. From your windows machine, open the command prompt and the type ‘nslookup’ followed by the domain name.

4.     Dig: another useful DNS lookup tool used in Linux machine. Type dig followed by the domain name.

5.     Social engineering: it is perhaps the easiest way to gather information about an organization. You can find lots of free information about social engineering in the Internet. Depending on the types of information you need about your target organization, you need to choose the appropriate technique. But remember that this technique needs time to master and you need to plan it very carefully, otherwise your activity can easily trigger an alert.

6.     Pipl search : in this site, you can  search person by it’s name and location. this site is very use full for the footprinting method.
7.     Com.lullar: in this site, you can search the victim’s email id and know the where this person is active. this is very use full information for footprinting. 

  "feel free to comment below, happy reading"


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