WHAT IS CROSS SITE SCRIPTING? xss is a client-side code vulnerability which allows an attacker to inject code which can execute malicious scripts.this type of attack can be used to obtain cookies,session tokens,or other sensitive information used with a compromise site. xss is the most common vulnerability discovered ans exploit in websites.this come sin 3 flavors which are persistent,reflected,and dom based.xss can present a serious concern for websites which contain sensitive user data. TYPES OF ATTACK The 3 different types of xss are persistent,reflected,and dom-based. 1)persistent this form of xss is the most dangerous saves code to the server and permanently delivers the attack this can most commonly be found in forms and sites which allow users to post HTML formatted data. 2)reflected this is the most common types of xss commonly found in HTTP query parameters or in HTML form submissions this type of attack is most c...